Guide Profile.....

When you fish a lot, and fish in different parts of the world, you see fishing guides of all kinds. Some work harder than others, some are exuberant while others are timid. And some see fish that no client will ever see without their help. And, the large majority of them have their clients success and enjoyment as their primary goals.

On my most recent trip to Zapata, Cuba, I spent a day with a very nice young guide named Espin. This was my first day with him, and he quietly asked as we left in our skiff if I would like to fish for Permit. “The tide is very good right now, and there are some lagoons very near." I seldom turn down a chance to fish for Permit, so off we went.

We immediately saw a few fish, but the chances were not great. Then, a fish tailed at a perfect eleven o’clock and within casting range, and it ate immediately. I lifted the rod, and cleared my line and soon the fish was burning coils off my reel. It was then that I heard a voice from the casting platform say “Enjoy your fish!” I thought that was great. I’ve never had a guide say something like that.

Quiet and reserved, Espin was even happier about our Permit than I was.

Quiet and reserved, Espin was even happier about our Permit than I was.

Later, Espin also said to me, “I always happy. But today, I very happy.” Again, a guide showing that they often get as much or more enjoyment out of the fishing experience, and a rare success like a landed Permit, as any angler does. Good for you Espin…..

Espin proudly raises the banner letting other skiffs know a Permit was landed

Espin proudly raises the banner letting other skiffs know a Permit was landed

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