Our friends at Colombia Afloat have been talking quietly with us about a new offering they have been working on. And finally, for the 2023 season, Akuani River Lodge will be taking guests from around the world.

There are several things that make this trip different than the trip we have been doing annually to their floating camp on the Tomo River. These are:

  • Travel is through Bogota instead of Medellin

  • Accommodations are in rooms and structures rather than floating cabins

  • The fishing is a mixture of Peacock Bass and Payara, where Afloat is almost uniquely a Peacock fishery

The mixture of Peacock and Payara fishing is fascinating to me, and I think will be for most customers. The Peacock fishing is done in massive lagoons that branch off from the main stem of the Vichada River. Clients fish two per canoe, with native boatman and a local guide. The Peacocks are plentiful, and like the Tomo and Gavilan Rivers, there are a good number of fish in double digits available. This fishing is very close to the lodge.

Payara inhabit different waters than Peacock Bass, loving deep rapids and boulder-strewn rivers. Instead of having to travel back and forth to this habitat, which is about 90 minutes from the lodge, our outfitter has designed a unique itinerary that saves time and miles. During the six fishing days, four are done from the lodge. The two other days are spent on the Orinoco River, where the outfitter sets up tents and a kitchen, so that Payara anglers can maximize their time rather than have to transfer back and forth to the lodge.

I have reserved two weeks at Akuiana, and will be hosting each. Maximum group size for each week is 8 guests, plus myself.

  • Dates are: February 16 -23 and March 2-9

  • Trip Price is $4395 pp (which includes a $200 Native Fee)

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